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What Are Protein Foods - Special Diets Health Supplements Vitamins

What Are Protein Foods

So what Are Protein Foods?

Proteins are I’m important for the growth and repair of the structure, function and regulation of the body’s cells, tissues and organs. each protein a unique function and are included in:-

  • The cell membranes
  • Cellular structures (skin, hair, muscle, bones)
  • Blood components like haemoglobin

The scientific although a bit boring is Proteins Foods are large molecules composed of chains of amino acids in a specific order held together by peptide bonds also called polypeptides. With all the confusing hype about proteins for sales purposes, this article goes back to basics for people to understand it and have a better idea of how they can incorporate it into their diet.

Proteins Foods are I’m important for the growth and repair of the structure, function and regulation of the body’s cells, tissues and organs. each protein a unique function and are included in:-

Other structures that are carriers within the bloodstream, such as albumin, is the most common protein in the blood and responsible for the transport of other proteins and molecules in the blood

Globulins are also commons proteins that are effective e in the immune response. because other antibodies are made from protein. You may have heard about this during this current climate of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Proteins in Muscle Tissue 

You may have heard are the building blocks for athletes and bodybuilders trying to grow, but they are also essential for everyone else to be healthy and strong.

Non-Structural Proteins

Are proteins that are also vitally important as the structural ones. These include enzymes which are catalysts that help a reaction to tea place, to make whatever biochemicals the body needs.

Essential and non Amino Acids

There are 100,00 different proteins found in the human body and each of them is made in different combination of 20 different amino acids building blocks

Essential Amino Acids

  • Threonine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
  • Methionine
  • Lysine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucie

Non-Essential Amino Acids

  • Glycine
  • Cysteine
  • Arginine
  • Glutamine
  • Histidine

Protein Foods

The main protein sources are

  • Meat (beef, pork, lamb)
  • Poultry (chicken, turkey
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt)
  • Pulses (beans, peas, lentils)

How Much Protein Foods per day

How much you need is very dependent on your lifestyle, age and how much strenuous exercise you are doing.  Simply put it can be as little as .25 grammes per day per pound of your body weight,  all the way up to 2grammes for bodybuilders who are breaking down a lot of muscle tissue in the gym and therefore need a lot of protein for repair and recovery.  Of course, there is a large variation between the ends of the scale. The average adult if there is such a thing requires about 50 grammes of protein per day.

One way to determine the minimum amount of protein a person needs in their diet each day is to use the following formula.

Your bodyweight in Kilogrammes and multiply it by .08 or in pounds multiply it by .0.37.

Complete and Incomplete Proteins Foods
In working out how much protein we need to consider that all proteins are not created equal. Meat, fish and dairy products are complete proteins meaning they contain all the essential amino acids Other sources of foods such as pulses (Legumes) like tofu, beans, and soya milk are incomplete and need to be combined with other sources for example peanut butter
How to Create Complete Proteins Foods Without Meat, Fish, Eggs or Dairy Products.
If you are a vegetarian or vegan and want to ensure a good supply of complete proteins for a more balanced diet and good health.  Whilst vegetable sources such as grains, legumes and nuts can be made complete if combines with certain foods to make complete proteins for example:-
  • Peanut Butter on wholewheat bread
  • Peanut butter on rice cakes
  • Hummus made from chickpeas and sesame paste
  • Trail mix with peanuts and sunflowers seeds
  • Rice and beans
  • Bean soup with a wholewheat roll
  • Vegetable stir-fry with tofu served with rice or pasta
  • Vegetarian chilli with wholegrain bread
These are ways to provide complete proteins to vegans and vegetarians who don’t eat meat, eggs, milk or cheese. More care is required to get enough protein in the diet, but its possible and the choices of foods are extensive.
Protein is an essential nutrient in the human diet and we can’t live without it. As a good nutritionist, you will look at a person’s situation, assess their dietary needs of protein and educate them on getting protein on a daily basis.
Sample menus can help educate and individual on how to get protein in their diet plan. The problem becomes more complex when the client is a vegetarian or when they are a bodybuilder and needs an alternate source of protein.
Let’s look at the situation of a regular person who weighs 100kg and lives a relatively sedentary lifestyle,
Using the formula that we discussed earlier we can get a dietary recommendation of 80 grams of protein Foods. How can we instruct this person to get that amount of protein in their diet?
Two boiled eggs and half a cup of cottage cheese add up to 28 grams of protein.
Cold meat sandwich on wholewheat bread another 10 grames
A handful of peanuts for another 9 grams, so far that is 50 grams of protein
Have 3 ounces of fish along with some pasta and peanut sauce which is around 30 grams, which hits the target of 80 grams of protein.
If you want a sample vegetarian diet plan that includes complete protein foods please subscribe at the bottom of the page and we will email it to you.
So it’s advisable to Add Protein Foods for Good Health and vitality

Also, refer to:-

Nutrition Facts Explanation

What are Carbs?

Best Sources of Protein