How Detox Your Body And Build Your Immune System With Diet, Herbs And Supplements click for ALKALISING DETOX CLEANSING
The very air we breath constantly is somewhat polluted. We drink high fructose drinks, lots of canned goods and an incredible amount of sodium. I’m not saying never to eat this way because we all like to indulge now and again but if you eat a normal American diet high in salt, sugar and preservatives and canned goods, then you may be doing a disservice to your self because you may feel full but be severely lacking in nutrients.
Because we have nutrient deficient soil it is advisable to take supplements that bolster your immune system such as Q-10, Vitamins A, D, E, C and B vitamins. Avoid sport drinks that are high in sugar but instead get good quality electrolytes from a health food store.
If you take a step back in time (even only 30 to 40 years) you would realize how different we ate back then. If you didn’t grow your own organic food you would probably have gone to your butcher on a daily basis and purchased fresh hormone free meat and then would have gone to the market to purchase fresh organic produce. The word organic was probably not something you would have associated with food back then.
Detoxing is a natural process your body goes through that gets rid of debris known as toxins. Under normal conditions our bodies are designed to eliminate these toxins through the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin etc
There are some great herbal teas that you can drink on a regular basis that also gently cleanse the body, hydrates you, has antioxidant properties and help flush out toxins. It is a warm and refreshing way to relax and do the body good.
If you do, then make sure you have eaten well and drink as many as 8 glasses of water so your blood sugar does not drop and that you stay well hydrated. Not only do you lose toxins this way but you also lose water, salt and potassium that can make you feel light headed.
It is one of nature’s perfect foods. It is an excellent blood cleanser and whole food. Most health food stores will carry all of these herbs.
It’s nearly impossible to be completely free of all pollutants in our environment but anything you can do to relieve your body of toxic build up and undernourishment should be beneficial to your health.
Juicing fruits and vegetables is a fantastic way of getting more nutrients in the body because you are maintaining the integrity of the nutrients. If you over cook food and then throw out the water, then your nutrients just went down the drain and you are ingesting the remaining bleached husk.
I hope this helps!
“Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.”.
Detoxing is a natural process your body goes through that gets rid of debris known as toxins. Under normal conditions our bodies are designed to eliminate these toxins through the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin etc
Juicing fruits and vegetables is a fantastic way of getting more nutrients in the body because you are maintaining the integrity of the nutrients. If you over cook food and then throw out the water, then your nutrients just went down the drain and you are ingesting the remaining bleached husk. Because we have nutrient deficient soil it is advisable to take supplements that bolster your immune system such as Q-10, Vitamins A, D, E, C and B vitamins.
We have a comprehensive range of ALKALISING DETOX CLEANSING supplements and products, which includes food supplements, food-based powders and herbal formulations. How Detox Your Body And Build Your Immune System With Diet, Herbs And Supplements click for ALKALISING DETOX CLEANSING
About alkalising the body
An acidic blood pH over a prolonged period of time can be problematic for health, as it is generally associated with being more prone to illness. Harmful amounts of acids and toxins can accumulate in the body for a number of reasons, including everything from drinking, smoking and lack of exercise, to a high intake of processed and concentrated foods packed with harmful chemicals and other ‘nasties’. In other words, a poor diet.
Over time, the result of an overly acidic body can be:
structural damage (including cell deterioration and inflammation)
a build up of impurities and a high toxic load (resulting in a strain on the detox organs and systems of the body)
skin problems (including body odour, excessive sweating and acne)
yeast and fungal overgrowth (in natural health world, fungi and yeasts are often referred to as “acid and toxin eaters”).
How Detox Your Body And Build Your Immune System With Diet, Herbs And Supplements click for ALKALISING DETOX CLEANSING